1. Retail platform

Retail platform is the core of the business, where the market money are, so we dedicate particular accuracy to this platform, same as app platform is custom made by our team, the features of this platform are huge.

First of all let’s understand how the platform works, users register from web and they provides information about themselves in the registration action, once they register and confirm the registration credentials they have access to packages available, they can buy credit and start immediately to send sms, package sample user buy 300 euro credit allow them to send 5000 sms in Hi quality or 6000 sms in low quality, buying credit it’ s easy and paypal, credit card, crypto allow user to be loaded immediately at the end of the package buy and start to send immediately sms, wire transfer refill are loaded by system admin once we receive the money on our bank account, here you can find an overlook of all the features:.

  1. worldwide usable we can go anywhere and in any market, in fact platform is ready to discriminate countries and languages and you don’t need to modify anything for going live in any country
  2. multi language
  3. rock solid tested up to 5 millions of sms x day
  4. easy to use
  5. Custom contact import from xls or csv file, exclude double contact automatically or add with a click users to any group.
  6. a very powerful marketing tool allow subscriber users to reach they’re customer base in few click or from they’re crm
  7. Hi and Low quality sms onboard
  8. sales agents level (tier 1) onboard
  9. sms to single
  10. sms to group or groups of contacts
  11. schedule sms, just program the send of sms on event basis such as birthday, meeting reminder, special events,
  12. API integration in all platform features
  13. One Time Password fully customizable (API only), you can customize sms text and timestamp of the OTP
  14. Coupon service on board, this service allow you to send personalized offers to selected list of contacts and is one of your contact wants to receive a discount coupon it’s enough for him to click on the dedicated link into the landing page for receive on his mobile phone the coupon, coupon can be request only one time and the coupon data are stored in platform directly for allow coupon submitter to clear it once used.
  15. landing page , landing pages allow you to extend the text capacity for explain your users large concepts, you can add pictures, link, and personalize any aspect of the landing page itself
  16. Incoming sms, we can provide to platform users mobile numbers where they can let endusers send sms, incoming sms are discriminated in platform by keywords or single number, if by keywords the number provided for receiving sms is shared within few platform clients and we discriminate the incoming sms by keywords in the sms txt, if number is dedicated to a single client we forward to his platform account all the sms received on the single number. This service covers a lot of services with this feature such a voting, pools and any other needs interaction with endusers
  17. payment with wire, credit card, paypal and crypto currency.
  18. sms profiling, this service can be used for profile users in many way such as traditional advertising campaign, television or newspaper and as well internet campaign, this is the perfect meter for evaluate the campaign results and can let the platform user create his profiled double opt in sending lists.

The platform coming with complete admin tool for financial that includes:

  1. User registration with complete profile Private and company
  2. User profiling address, phone , email, VAT
  3. Payment system integrated paypal, credit card, wire transfer and crypto currency
  4. Auto generating invoices and proforma invoice (required for wire payment)
  5. Complete and accurate picture of user, invoice history, sms list scheduled sms and all the platform activity users do
  6. Commission earned by users listed and historical payment.
  7. Setting alerts on out of credit and commercial
  8. package price personalization and private package

Technically platform can be connected to any sms company via HTTP API or SMPP protocol.

Let’s start with user, in this part of admin site you can manage registered users, checking personal data, credit and statistic , add personalized sender to user check his credit and contact him

from this panel part you can assign package to users manually

you can create basic prices per market and once the prices are created you can use them for create packages on single market

Package are created in this part of the retail panel and you can keep the package private and let them be visible only to selected users, this has been made for keep profit hi profiles, scenario is user 1 pay single sms in Italy 0,05 on 10 euro package for special deal or test , when normally the market price is 0,08, we create a private package for let him test and other users are not seeing this special price so they can’t ask discount.

From here we can allow new countries into panel

and from here we can manage user % , platform allow users to get commission on introduced clients, we can manage the % we pay and we can create special packages with special % on single user basis.

These are just few features on admin side this is very powerful tool for manage all the potential scenario in the platform itself

The Users panel

Homepage for users here users can check they’re active package , remaining credit, sms sent and sms scheduled that have to be delivered

User can send sms form this part of the panel , sms can be sent to single number, group, he can choose the HI or low quality, sms can be scheduled to be delivered on certain time and day and system automatically send them out, as we user can add the blacklist link into the sms, if the person that receive the sms want to unsubscribe he click on the link and his redirected to a landing page that is written by platform client where it’s explained the policy, there is a button into the landing page and if user click it platform automatically add him to the blacklist , form this moment system will not deliver anymore sms to the blacklisted user.

In the landing page platform user can create an html page with graphic that will be linked with a tinylink into the sms he deliver to people, landing page can contain promotional or any info the platform user wants to communicate to final users

Birthday notification is used normally to offer final users special deal on birthday, when you import contacts you can add birthday and you can choose to send personalized sms on birthday adding name of the user automatically into the sms

Coupons are used for special deal or promotion and can be personalized with html , graphic and links, normally are used to promote discounts to final users and you can have the meter of the campaign performance, panel user send an sms to final user with a tinylink, when final user open it he’s going into a landing page the promote the coupon redeem, there is a button to click after the explanation if endusers click it a second sms with the coupon number is delivered to enduser, sender can customize the timestamp of the coupon availability and any kind of promotional can be delivered in this way.

Text and graphic editor is very easy to use for anyone you don’t need any skill to create a campaign that will have very hi conversions.

Her you have a screenshoot of the contact you’ve imported into the platform you can modify single contact or group and you can delete or move contact to any available gorup

Here you can import contact from xls , csv file the camp are name , phone, email and birthday, we can add more camps easy if any user require them, you can import into specific group, system check automatically double numbers and notify user, you can put the same contact into different group for multiple campaign, system add automatically (user have to choose the county) the international format +XX to the numbers. You can manage the contacts in the way you prefer creating specific list for marketing action, the grouping mode allow you to schedule a lot of different campaign and keep trace of them.

In this tab you can create and name groups where contacts will be imported.

Here you can check statistic of the sms sent you can see status, delivery time and DLR report (by click on the eye at right, you see number where the sms has been sent, sms txt, status, cost and delivery time, we’ll add operator of the number where the sms has been sent in the next platform release

Here you can find the numbers putted into blacklist and make actions on them such as communicate to list provider these users don’t want anymore to be contacted

Here users can find the packages to buy, we’ve 3 options for buying , paypal , credit card and wire transfer, paypal and credit card have automatic refill, user choose the desired package and make the payment, once the payment procedure end the system send an invoice automatically via email to user and load it panel, if they choose to pay by wire system create a proforma invoice use can use to pay by wire, once we receive the bank transfer admin have the screenshoot of the created proforma per user an can choose the one related to user and allow the payment of the package, once this is done the system create and send automatically the invoice to user and the account is automatically credited of the package the user buy.

Retail platform in white label is a must to have for advertising agency, head office multinational companies, sms business specialist want to invest on retail, any company wants to invest in .

Contact us to rent our platform